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Pond netting

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Pond netting

Pond netting Pond netting is used to keep leaves, snow, and other debris out of your pond. Not only does pond netting keep your pond looking good, but it also helps keep out things that may threaten the life of your pond. It can also protect your fish from predators such as cats or dogs. Pond netting is easy to use and easy to clean.

The mesh size in pond netting varies. The size of the mesh determines what can slip through the mesh such as leaves or other debris. A mesh of no larger than 1/2 inches to 3/8 inches is recommended.

Most netting can simply be layed across the pond. Put stakes in the ground to hold the pond netting in place. The most important thing is that your pond netting should not touch the water. If your pond netting hangs into your pond you run the risk of your fish getting stuck in it. If your pond netting begins to drag, simply put PVC pipe under the netting for support.

It is important to periodically clean your pond netting which is easy to do. Simply remove the netting and flip it over. Shake off any leaves, snow or other debris.

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